Our Mission on this site is to educate Real Estate Agents on how to sell more homes.

Our Compensation Package Just Got Better

  • Our Compensation Package Just Got Better

    Here’s my update on our new and improved compensation package.

4 Things We Bring to Listing Presentations

  • 4 Things We Bring to Listing Presentations

    Here are the four things we always take to our listing presentations.

The Best Way to Answer Your Clients’ Hard Questions

  • The Best Way to Answer Your Clients’ Hard Questions

    Here’s my advice about answering a tough question from clients.

When Does Your Real Estate Education End?

  • When Does Your Real Estate Education End?

    As a Realtor, you should never stop educating yourself.

Should You Be an Independent Agent or on a Team?

  • Should You Be an Independent Agent or on a Team?

    Should you join a real estate team or be an independent agent?

What Do Agents Need to Know About the Title Process?

  • What Do Agents Need to Know About the Title Process?

    Do you know everything you need to know about how to clear title?